Saturday, March 7, 2015

Top of the Riken resign

Mr. Ryoji Noyori, President of “Riken”, the Japan's largest comprehensive research institution is said to resign within this month. Riken has been struggled with “STAP cell (Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency cell)” scandals since Ms. Haruko Obokata, former stem-cell biologist and the former Research Unit Leader of the Laboratory for Cellular Reprogramming at RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology claimed she had developed a radical and remarkably easy way to make the STAP cells.

She manipulated the images used for the papers published in Nature. In addition, it was found impossible to reproduce STAP cells according to her methods. She tried to reproduce the STAP cell herself but could not make it after all. She resigned Riken and her boss committed suicide. It now becomes a most well-known scandal related to science.

Though Riken denies that the reason of resignation is due to the scandals, it is quite obvious that Riken wants to wipe out the dirty images painted by the scandals.

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