Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I agree with Miyzaki’s comments

In a radio interview, Hayao Miyazaki, a very famed film director and animator referred to a satirical caricature that causes terrorists’ attacks in France or Denmark. He commented that it is a mistake to make someone who is worshipped by a different culture the subject of a caricature.

I agree with him. The right of expressions is definitely important and should not be limited. However, on use of the rights, it is also necessary to respect and be considerate with other religions or cultures even though they are not acceptable. Otherwise, the right of expressions may be used to insult or humiliate others and these expressions can cause intolerable angers like the incidents.

Human rights are not the excuse of being egoistic or arrogant against the others. The constitution of Japan stipulates in the Article 12 as follows.
“The freedoms and rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be maintained by the constant endeavor of the people, who shall refrain from any abuse of these freedoms and rights and shall always be responsible for utilizing them for the public welfare.”

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